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Peace and Time: How to Combine a Purposeful Life Together

Family, finding a purpose in life and combining that with someone can be difficult especially early in life. Some get lucky and can combine the two early in life with great success, while some of us (like myself) may go through some trial and erroršŸ˜¬ā€¦just thinking about some of those experiences may suck right? Either way, one process that seems almost bulletproof is finding your purpose first.The road map that Iā€™ve found is a bit challenging and easy at the same time..but wow once you get the map and start riding ā€¦itā€™s REALLY nice. The difficult part is your mind.

The mind must be healed, open to new thought processes, forming new synapses points in the brain (new learning) free from a lot of world view, and open to biblical principles. Iā€™ll refer to biblical principles as a life compass.Can you do it without biblical principles? Yes. I caution the failure rate may be high if done without it. Why? There are mental obstacles in life that the Bible warns about and has solutions for. Itā€™s the answers to the tests. Cā€™mon now, you know youā€™ve gotten the answers to the test or a ā€œreally good study guideā€ at some point and you came out with a good gradešŸ˜‰. Yes, that old book that grandma told you about can teach you a lot about life and be your moral emotional compass to navigate life and more TODAY and tomorrow..and the past.

Challenges/Obstacles today are different and difficult with so many distractors and role models that are not truly role models for navigating life. Without the mental capacity to navigate said obstacles of life when those ā€œ1st time TRULY DIFFICULTā€ mental challenges of life hit you in the mind and the heart, there is a high chance you will stumble hardā€¦up to years kind of hard, feel hopeless kind of hard, The ā€œI wish I would have known about this in my 20ā€™sā€ hard. If you are in your 20ā€™s or younger, you have a sweet gift here.šŸ„‚

There is a good reading on this site about finding your purpose: just a side note: Itā€™s not your job. šŸ˜²

When you first find your purpose and a true relationship with God it helps build your own personal foundation. How? You learn to operate differently, you learn how to truly heal from anything, you learn not to blame, you learn to be selfless, and you learn how to put emotional intelligence and all the tangibles mentioned into practice. You learn a lot about yourself (good and things to improve upon without the feeling of im not good enough) and what you are truly capable of without worldly limits that you were taught from childhood experiences, educational experiences, friends not ā€œtrulyā€ in biblical alignment, politics, counselors that had their own personal biases when you sought help(there are some that are great too), social media opinions, tv shows, and more.

The journey: It will not be perfect, but your mind and heart ā¤ļø must have a solid healthy foundation. There is a transformation that takes time within this process. The amount of time depends on you and how you prioritize your life. I know you have heard ā€œyou need to get your priorities straightā€. Well, thatā€™s a fact!Once you have a solid healthy foundation from the above and maybe a bit more; then itā€™s time to start the journey of fulfilling your purpose. Not that you havenā€™t already started, but NOW you have a true foundation and focus.

How will I know my purpose at that point?Without jumping into the article on this site about purpose too muchā€¦it seems that purpose is almost always intertwined with helping something get better with the result of impacting something on a large scale. Remember you are only limited by your own thoughts, or unlimited by your own thoughts. Example: How can I use my gift to help 10; or thinking how can I use my gift to help as many people as possible. One is limit(ed) and the other is limit(less)ā€¦There are examples in the compass of life about this way of thinking with miracles associated with it.

Ā šŸ™Once you know your purpose youā€™re going to feel that ā€œLETā€™s go feelingā€, then you start to create goals. Throughout this entire time, itā€™s imperative that you limit distractors. Absolutely enjoy life! Just understand there is a balance. There are good distractors and bad distractors. You know who and what they areā€¦and itā€™s a choice to limit and concentrate on hitting your goals to fulfill your God-given purpose. You may meet someone, have a kid, go to jail, go through something terrible, or save a life. There is an abundance of obstacles that may happen to shake you a bit. Things that are good and feel good can trip you up too. Example of a new blessing into the world as there is nothing that can hardly compare to the joy of bringing a baby into this world right: Ex: A couple has a baby and everything is awesome with your spouse and relationship with God; but as time goes along, the priority shifts to loving the child as a priority first more than your love for God. This is usually not purposeful but the actions prove factual through behavior patterns. This situation usually becomes a big problem at some point. The couple has been blessed with a baby but now biblical principles have been altered due to the overpowering emotions and love for the child. Another example is the awesome experience of childbirth and you have the perfect situation (loving husband/wife; baby healthy etc.); but there may be a challenge of post-partum depression that alters a lot of your life. Lastly, another example: You can save lives as a civilian or soldier which is awesome! Those same experiences may cause a form of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and if your foundation is cracked it can be a lot more difficult for yourself and loved ones in your life.

We can call bad things traumas, as we have been taught what trauma and abuse are (which are life-altering words in themselves that get you thinking a certain way), or when I think about it, I call EVERY experience good/bad ā€œlife experiencesā€. Everyone has different life experiences. These life experiences may alter the way we think about things and depending on how good or bad our emotions are about said experienceā€¦it may push you off course. example: One kid may have gotten a consequence for doing something very bad and grow up saying they were abused at the moment. Another kid may have gotten the same for doing something very bad and said they were corrected and look back as an adult and appreciate the correction. Not going to go too far into this cause abuse is abuse. and trauma is trauma. Understand itā€™s important how you look at your experiences as a child as most adult issues later in life come from how we viewed certain childhood experiences from a child point of view through true or distorted memories. When you look back ensure you are looking at things from a now adult perspective to formulate a healthier way of thinking along with biblical pricicples to help healing and moving forward.

Remember Darkness wants you off course from your God-given purpose. Anything and anyone (especially those who donā€™t have a true relationship with God)ā€¦ can used. How do you know when you are off course one might ask?????

When your thinking doesnā€™t align with biblical principles itā€™s almost certain you may be off course. There are other factorsā€¦just know that is a primary one.

Yes, you will go through a lot sometimes to get you to certain points. Thatā€™s a fact! Pastors, counselors, Jesus. Yes, even the perfect one had obstacles and every religious righteous entity had them too (got to read and get close in that relationship to understand). Some things are self-inflicted by our own choices and mindset, and some are unavoidable. Most times when we are aligned biblically, we have a better chance of missing those tough obstacles and may end up in a purpose-driven spot sooner; rather than taking the long way around to get to the same sweet spot later. In the end, using the compass of life is better to not waste priceless time.

Now that you have done the work in this chapter of your life (and putting what you have learned into practice cause we all are still a work in progressā€¦a solid foundation is built ) ā€¦now the easy part comes with a couple of challenges. šŸ¤” The easy part is alignment with someone that makes you feel good and loves you. OMG, that amazing emotional feeling! Iā€™m seeing the Joey from ā€œFriendsā€ Yessss!!! from someone reading lol. Now the challenging part: They might not have the same purpose-driven mindset. This is when you have to answer to yourself, keep yourself honest, and lean on the compass of life. When we seek pleasure and love from someone more than God and that God-given purposeā€¦the lines get blurry really fast.

Try to write a paragraph on a blurry line, or imagine your entire body following a blurry line for years (like an intoxicated person walking a line on the street ā€¦for years. You may end up waaaaaaay off courseā€¦and guess what? ā€¦our mindset and choices make the blurry lines.

You must love God more than anything else. The compass of life is God. There are no blurry lines. Just follow and have faith.

After you have done the work, you will be able to identify that person as they will complement the work you have done or doing the work with no push back. It will be no issue in building ā€œnew synapsesā€ together as you will support their God-given purpose as they support yours. There will be no room for selfishness. No fear of what people think. Happiness for you is happiness for me. Like a Bonnie and Clyde (but instead of crimešŸ˜œ; it will be in ChristšŸ•Šļø)All those principles you learned will be selflessly understood even in disagreement as the they will be short lived, learned from, and a calmness with understanding of how to create peace will be evunderstood mutually. Prayer will be a norm in any situation with anyone initiating as you have that understanding of the importance within the compass of life.

There will be chapters of life that are challenging due to the world and your own personal differences cause the light that you will create will be so bright darkness will want to get inā€¦just know light overpowers darkness. All of the biblical principles are key and of utmost importance to practice and apply. Like a sword with armor (thatā€™s in the Bible toošŸŒ¹) Keep your light bright by fostering the things above as best you canā€¦and youā€™ll be alright. Life is short and the world is smaller than you think. Navigate wisely. Enjoy life. Itā€™s a priceless blessing.Ā 



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