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Peace: Make the Mistake but Remember the Lesson

We talked about becoming a better version of yourself through continuous improvements versus delayed perfection. We understand that God created us perfect in His image, however, we are not perfect here on Earth. We will make mistakes.

We also focused on what we can do, how we can be solution seeking to overcome barriers or mistakes through looking for the things we can do to become the better version of ourselves.

Philippians 3:13-14

"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Many of us become caught up with things that have happened in the past. Maybe some mistakes that we made or others have made that affected our life. We can become focused on the past, that we are not fully in control of focusing on the positive things we can achieve and act on in our future. Evil wants us to stay focused on the past so we cannot prevail or succeed.

God wants us to prosper and see ahead what He has for us, act on the good things, overcome barriers and challenges, bless others along our path, and live an abundant life He has laid out for us and called us to.

Focus on your prize God has in store for you. Stay the path. Learn from the mistake, but do not dwell on it. Do not live in the past. Pray and let it go. Don't hold it in your heart - set your heart free and take a hold of what God has in store for you and your family.

One example may include something as simple as negative thinking. We can be our own worse critic, but that is a mistake. We can tell ourselves - "You can't do that." " You'll never get there." "There is always someone more qualified than you." "You are too dumb or not strong enough." " You are too busy."

The reality is - YOU are CHEATING YOURSELF out of the goodness and success God has for you. He is opening doors for you, but you are allowing yourself to talk you out of the opportunities and the blessings. You are telling God that He is Wrong! You are telling Him that you are not good enough. HE sees your potential - HE knows YOU ARE MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH!


God already sees the potential in you. You need to see it for yourself and let go of the past. It's a gift of a new day, new choices, and new, endless possibilities.

Learn from the mistakes. What lesson did you learn? How can you game plan your way to overcoming the mistake in the future through the lesson you learned?

Just like yesterday is the past, today is the present, and tomorrow is a gift. We have an amazing gift of a new day to overcome mistakes, learn from them, then seize the opportunity for growth through learning from the lesson to continue to be upward mobile and forward moving.



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